NASW Foundation Chair (2007-2010)

Barbara Conniff, MSW, ACSW (1947-2015)

Barbara Conniff, MSW, ACSW

Barbara Conniff, MSW, ACSW, served as the Chief Executive Officer of Milestone Centers, Inc. (formerly Allegheny East MH/MR Center Inc.), a private, nonprofit community-based agency providing a continuum of treatment and support services to individuals with mental illness and developmental disabilities and their families. 

Barb was a lifelong resident of Allegheny County.  She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Carlow College and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh.  She was a member of the National Academy of Certified Social Workers.  Her 39-year professional career included a variety of local health care, public health, and behavioral health care positions.  She was a graduate of the first class of the Allegheny County, United Way, and Carnegie Mellon University-sponsored Non-Profit Executive Training Program.  Barb, a member of the NASW Social Work Pioneers, passed away in 2015.   

NASW Social Work Talks Podcast Logo

In Episode 5, NASW Social Work Talks Podcast features the Director of the NASW Foundation, Bob Arnold.   Tune in for a discussion about the Foundation's many educational, research, and  charitable  initiatives.