Foundation Board Member (2004-2007)

Catherine Harvey, DrPh, RN, AOCN 

Catherine Harvey, DrPh, RN, AOCN

Catherine Harvey, DrPh, RN, AOCN, is a partner in Oncology Associates a cancer-consulting firm that provides a wide range of services to academic medical centers, hospitals, clinical practices, and health care businesses. She has worked in cancer program administration and clinical nursing practice since the 1970s.  Most recently she served as Vice President Clinical Services and Public Policy at OnCare, a physician practice management company.  Prior to joining OnCare she was the founding Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), a network of 17 National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded cancer centers.

She has a Baccalaureate and Masters Degree in Nursing from the University of North Carolina and has practiced clinically as both a mental health and an oncology nurse specialist.  She has a Doctoral Degree in Public Health from the University of South Carolina.  She holds certification from the American College of Healthcare Executives and as an advanced oncology certified nurse (AOCN) from the Oncology Nursing Society.   

Dr. Harvey is active nationally in nursing, administrative, and advocacy organizations.  She was the founding President of the American College of Oncology Administrators.  She served as Chairperson of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control's Cancer Control Advisory Committee for seven years.  She has addressed the President's Special Commission on Cancer on the impact of poverty on women seeking screening and treatment for breast cancer and on the barriers to translating research into the community.  She served as a Director of the South Carolina Cancer Coalition and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.

Dr. Harvey was Principal Investigator on a three-year contract from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the area of professional education for breast and cervical cancer prevention.  She was Planning Director on an NCI P-20 grant.  She has published extensively in administrative and nursing journals and served as a faculty member and lecturer in the areas of health care economics, guidelines development, psychosocial and palliative care, and the impact of the changing health care system on cancer care.  While at the Medical University of South Carolina she taught a three-hour graduate course in Healthcare Delivery Systems and a two-semester hour course entitled "Ethical Considerations in Cancer Care."    

NASW Social Work Talks Podcast Logo

In Episode 5, NASW Social Work Talks Podcast features the Director of the NASW Foundation, Bob Arnold.   Tune in for a discussion about the Foundation's many educational, research, and  charitable  initiatives.