NASW President (2012-2014)

Jeane W. Anastas, PhD, LMSW (New York City Chapter)

Jeane W. Anastas, PhD, LMSW

Jeane W. Anastas, PhD, LMSW, is Professor at New York University’s Silver School of Social Work. She received her BLS in social work from Boston University, her MSW from Boston College, and her PhD from Brandeis University.  Active in NASW since 1986, Anastas currently convenes ANSWER, works on the Height/Young Social Work Reinvestment Act, and the National Workforce Center Advisory Group.  Past national leadership experience includes the NASW Finance Committee, NASW National Committee on Nominations and Leadership (NCNLI), and NASW National Committee on Women's Issues (NCOWI); the Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research (IASWR); the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) boards; and chairpersonship of Group for Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work (GADE). 

Past President of the Massachusetts Chapter, Anastas has been its Social Worker of the Year (1995), a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) visiting scholar (2006–2007), recipient of CSWE’s Greatest Recent Contribution to Social Work Education award (2007), and was elected to the National Academies of Practice in Health Care in 2007. Anastas publishes in the areas of women’s issues, LGBT rights, mental health, and social work education. She is a member of the NASW Social Work Pioneers.    

NASW Social Work Talks Podcast Logo

In Episode 5, NASW Social Work Talks Podcast features the Director of the NASW Foundation, Bob Arnold.   Tune in for a discussion about the Foundation's many educational, research, and  charitable  initiatives.