Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund Raises Money For California Wildfire Efforts
By Bob Arnold and Kim Simpson
The NASW California Chapter and The NASW Foundation are partnering with two schools of social work directly in the areas most impacted by the fires in northern and southern California. Our goal is distribute funds strategically and efficiently. We are grateful that Chairs Eli Bartle (CSU Northridge) and David Bassett (CSU Chico) and their schools will be assessing needs and helping to identify how best to use the funds raised.
Donations are awarded to social workers and/or social welfare organizations that can provide assistance to those who have suffered loss and are in need of financial, or other assistance due to a disaster. To help maximize the effects of donations, preference is given to assisting social workers who, in turn, can help others. Most important, 100% of disaster assistance funds raised go directly to helping others. Contributions to the NASW Foundation, a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are deductible as allowed by law.
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