NASW Foundation News

Annual NASW Pioneers Event October 27, 2018

The 14th Annual NASW Social Work Pioneers® Program and Luncheon will be held on Saturday, October 27, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Women’s National Democratic Club in Washington, D.C. 


According to Dr. Bernice Catherine Harper, a member of the NASW Social Work Pioneers® and Chair of the event, the theme of the 2018 luncheon is Changes & Challenges: Reports from the Field of Social Work.  


Speakers and topics include: 


  • Building Community Partnerships for Cancer Prevention & Control Initiatives:  Dr. James R. Zabora - Director, Outreach & Education, The Johns Hopkins Center to Reduce Cancer Disparities, Baltimore, Maryland; 

  • Demonstration:  Exploring the Social Welfare Historical Website of Dr. John E. Hansan - Member, NASW Social Work Pioneers® Steering Committee; and,    

  • Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Julie M. Norlin - Former Dean, The University of Oklahoma School of Social Work, The Oklahoma Experience:  The School of Social Work – Knee Center for Strong Families.



For additional information, or tickets to this event, please call 202-408-8600, Extension 484, or email

