NASW Foundation News

NASW Social Work Pioneers® 25th Anniversary Celebration November 1-2, 2019 In D.C.

The NASW Social Work Pioneers® will host its 25th Anniversary Celebration and 15th Annual Program and Luncheon November 1–2, 2019 at the Cosmos Club in Washington, D.C.  The event will kick-off with a reception on Friday evening, where guests can meet the newly-elected Pioneers, network, and reconnect with friends and colleagues.  The annual program and luncheon will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, Nov 2.  Additional information about tickets, speakers, and the three event CEs will be available in August 2019 when tickets go on sale. Don't miss this event! 


A room block has been reserved at the Cosmos Club.  To make a reservation, please call 202-387-7783 or send an email to, and mention NASW Social Work Pioneers® Event.


For more information, please visit NASW Foundation Upcoming Events.