Foundation As Defined By IRS: A 501(c)(3) Entity
A section of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code that defines and qualifies nonprofit organizations for special treatment under Federal tax laws, is known as 501(c)(3) tax status. Organizations qualify for this status if the expressed purpose is to promote charitable, educational, and scientific goals. Having 501(c)(3) status allows nonprofits to be tax exempt and to accept donations for which donors receive Federal tax deductions if they wish. Limitations within this tax status, however, prohibit activities that benefit a shareholder, or individual; and, restrict lobbying, or attempts to influence legislation. The NASW Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.
NASW And NASW Chapters As Defined By IRS: Are 501(c)(6) Organizations
A section of the Internal Revenue Service Code addresses corporations organized around a common business interest (the purpose of which is to promote the interest), is known as 501(c)(6) tax status. These organizations must improve the business condition of the industry in general rather than benefiting individual members. Contributions to 501(c)(6) organizations cannot be deducted as charitable contributions. The National Association of Social Workers (including its Chapters) is a 501(c)(6) organization.