Gary Bess Associates
Gary Bess Associates (GBA) is a thought partner, grant writer, and program evaluation firm helping nonprofit organizations and public agencies fulfill their missions to serve their clients and communities. GBA’s principals are social workers with a passion for serving underrepresented and underserved communities, and instill a social work culture and focus within the organization, which includes customizing consulting services to the specific needs of partner organizations.Seven social workers are employed by GBA
GBA serves organizations across the nation, from Alaska to Florida and California to Massachusetts. GBA’s consultative services range from strategic planning, community health assessments, client surveys, key informant interviews/focus groups, GIS mapping, and grant compliance/reporting. Each year, GBA secures more than $650 million in grants, contracts, and funding renewals for our client-partners.
GBA specialize in working with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) on new funding opportunities, and on compliance and outcome reporting. GBA also helps new health centers from nonprofit applications to licensing, operational and policy compliance, FQHC Look-Alike and New Access Point applications, and preparing for the pre-designation operational site visits (OSV).
GBA has for years worked with Native American communities to assess grant-funded programs and services. GBA is a subcontractor to federal agencies, including Indian Health Services and the Agency for Native Americans, and has prepared reports for Congress on the success of programs in language restoration and integrative behavioral health care services.GBA is also engaged in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the federally funded Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) program.